Sunday, December 4, 2011


At certain moments I notice that simple words have a tendency to disappear.
They dissolve into a hidden abyss and fade effortlessly amidst the urgency of the moment.
Reality gains a tighter grip and you have no choice but to acknowledge its demonstrative presence.

What if we sought out these situations on a regular basis?

Although they may be raw and unforgiving in nature, each experience brings one ever closer to their true being.  Once exposed, there is the additional responsibility of acknowledging your position.
Most are intimidated at this point and fail to meet the challenges that are evident.

What should be done now? What reaction would seem to 'fit'?

There are a select few, however, that lick their wounds. As insurmountable as this time appears, they somehow manage to thrive. Weakened and bruised they use experience to rebuild a foundation. Tools are chosen meticulously during this healing period. A strategy is developed and a blueprint is forged. Failure ceases to be considered. Compromise can only be brokered on their terms.

Monday, August 8, 2011

skinny dipping

Compelled to dance in a river of melodies
Traveling, unraveling as I swim methodically.
Hypnotically I am induced by new rhythms
That I meet. Greeted by fresh beats beneath the
Sheets of

Music that once lay dormant; making sounds
Without a song. Knowing it carried some
Strength, but unaware of how strong. Knowing
It possessed some length, never sure of
How long.

Now awakened and smitten, this song aches
To be written with notes that gloat of the
Different strokes that it takes to keep
These bodies afloat along the bars
Of this timeless tune ing

In now to the countless rehearsals that it
Takes to make this concert of energy.

And in my mind, all I can ask
('cause it's hard for me to grasp)
Is what made me worthy of the task
For you to come swim with me?

Friday, February 25, 2011


vibe to describe what has been my recent affliction.
eliminating any notions that its related to a physical condition.
attention to these verses will provide a detailed description of the state of my being which has quickly become an addiction.
In secret, mirrored strokes reveal initial attraction.
Action is taken. Sparks fly and a pleasant distraction ensues. Clueless of the melody, the composition begins.
A shared harmony is apparent with each interaction.
Satisfaction is the norm as both instruments flow in unison. Hidden away in these chords is another element.
The key that this collaboration is being played in is new for both participants. As the music is conceived they ponder the significance. Time moves on and the song continues to flourish. Together they remain on beat, in step, careful not to disturb it. Each moment for them brings new revelations, as they are swept away within this beautiful
